Church Survey | July 19 & 26

Next Step Together
We plan to take our Next Step Together on Sunday, July 19. This next step builds upon our present Sunday morning schedule, which includes (a) an Outdoor Service at 9am, (b) an Online Service at 10:30am, and (c) Sunday School Classes meeting either virtually or outside.
This next step will add a socially-distanced (we prefer "physically-distanced") Indoor Service in conjunction with our Online Service at 10:30am. In addition, we will offer the option for Sunday School Classes and/or Groups to meet inside as well.
As noted previously, we will apply the CDC's recommendations for faith communities in a way we believe meets the spiritual and physical needs of both our members and guests. In case you have missed that communication, we will post a more detailed outline in the coming days.
For now, we ask that you please complete the following survey to help us plan for Sunday, July 19 and Sunday, July 26. Thank you so much!