Seniors Ministry Quicklinks
We celebrate and praise God for our Senior Adults. They are a vital part of our church family, actively participating and serving in every area of our church, from our Women’s Circles to our Sunday School Classes to our Small Groups. They serve as deacons and ushers, volunteer in our Children’s Ministry, minister to our homebound, and sing in our choir.
Our Seniors also play an invaluable role as we reach out and minister to our community – and beyond. They go on mission trips, lead worship at a local assisted living facility, and support our local community outreach programs and events.
Many of our Seniors have deep, historic roots both in our church and community. They grew up here and their investment in both is evident as they continue to serve and impact every facet of our fellowship.
We would love for you to come and be a part of what God is doing here at Green Level. For more information about our Seniors Ministry, please email Angela Tilly.