Green Level Kids


At Green Level Baptist Church we serve to complement our families in building Christ-like character in their children through inspiring and godly role models that teach biblically sound doctrine, and serve together in opportunities to develop their God-given talents and love toward a goal of an upward calling on their lives.

Praying Child


Sunday Mornings

At 9:00am we offer Sunday School classes for each age group!
Nursery, Toddlers, Pre-K, K-2nd grade, and 3rd-5th grade

At 10:30am we offer KidLevel, worship classes for kids from birth through 3rd grade!
Kids in 4th and 5th grade join their parents in the worship service


Wednesday Evenings

Join us on Wednesday evenings for Level Up!

6:00 - 7:35pm

Level Up! is a multigenerational approach to Wednesday nights at church centered around Biblical stories and verses that teach the truth about who God is, who we are in relation to Him, and what it means to be a follower of Christ. 

Each Wednesday, kids will learn a Bible story, a central verse, and core truths for that week to be reinforced through every aspect of the program. Whether through recreation, singing, crafts, or small groups, each component of Level Up will focus on helping children see the truth in the Bible and hiding it in their hearts.


  VBS Click here Website





Paws and Tales -The Paws & Tales radio drama is heard every week on more than 450 radio outlets in North America and around the world, as well as on the Internet. As a ministry of Insight for Living, the mission of Paws & Tales is to help parents teach biblical theology to their kids through memorable, meaningful stories and music.

Adventures In Odyssey- Bring biblical principles to life with just the right balance of fun, faith, and imagination through Adventures in Odyssey.

Listener Kids- Christian videos for kids!

Go Minno- A subscription resource that offers a ton of media resources for the family!!

Lamplighter- Lamplighter stories are much more than good and wholesome reading. The character traits children assimilate during their formative years are the foundation from which a life of faith in God is built.

25 Proven Bible Truths Every Kid Should Know


We would love for your family to come and be a part of what God is doing here at Green Level. For more information about our Children's Ministry, please email Ashley Napier, our children's director.