Spring Women's Bible Study - Update


NEW START DATE --- Join us for God of Covenant with Jen Wilkin starting Tuesday, March 30 at 9:30 am, 10 sessions. We will participate in a hybrid format. Come on-site (mask required) or participate virtually, via Zoom. In person meeting will be in Room 208 (top floor classroom). 

God of Covenant takes an in-depth look at Genesis, 12-50. Walk alongside the fathers of our faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—to discern how every story in the Bible points to Jesus. Challenge your basic understanding of familiar stories as we learn to view the lives of biblical figures in the larger context of Scripture. Discover how God orchestrates everything for His glory and the good of His people, and helps you see how the God of Creation and Covenant is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

We'll see Abraham's calling, faith, and God's covenant with him; his long awaited son Isaac; the rivalry of Jacob and Esau leading to exile and reconciliation; Jacob's 12 sons; Joseph's role in pointing to redemption for the Hebrew nation and the redemption for each of us that will come in the Messiah, Jesus; and then hear Jacob's final words and prophecies over each of his sons, tracing the path those words will take in Israel's future.

Please contact Shari Penland or Judy Howell for more info. We'll be using the Member Book, which can be purchased from Lifeway, Christian Book Distributors (christianbook.com), Amazon.