What do we mean when we say "missions"? At Green Level Baptist Church, missions is a term we use to describe the groups outside of the church working to spread the love of Christ and the gospel with people in our communities and around the world. 

Twelve percent of the church's total budget is dedicated to missions. Each one of our mission partners and outreach initiatives is given a percentage of that 12%. Some chose to give above and beyond what the church allocates - giving through their time, energy, and resources to these groups. 

It is not our intention to just send these groups a check each month, but rather to engage with them personally through phone calls, emails, visits, prayer, and volunteering. We are not interested in being on the sidelines of their work rooting "for" their success. Instead, we want to be WITH them in the trenches, fighting to bring the hope of salvation to all within their sphere of influence and supporting their unique position and qualifications to go and reach those we can't.



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Eddie Evans - Bethel International Church in Ethiopia

Eddie is from the Green Level community and has been serving as a pastor in Ethiopia for years. He serves the church and at a school serving kids kindergarten through 10th grade. This school is in an extremely poor area and serves children and families in the region.

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Hope Reins - Pairs hurting kids with rescued horses to find hope and healing and restoration in Christ.

Hope Reins is a 33-acre horse ranch in Raleigh, NC serving kids (ages 5-18) in crisis using rescued horses to demonstrate restoration in Christ. Their services are free and made possible by donations. Hope Reins is one of our newest mission partners. Prior to COVID-19, we participated in barn chores at the ranch, helping to keep up the ranch grounds while learning more about their services and mission. In 2020, we began supporting them financially as well. We will begin to serve by volunteering during barn chores on Saturday mornings again soon. Barn chores are for all ages. For more information about how to volunteer, click HERE


North Carolina Baptist Children's Homes - Many ministries beating with one heart

The heart of Baptist Children's Homes (BCH) beats with a rhythm of hope that extends to children, families, and adults throughout 21 North Carolina communities and an orphanage in Guatemala. For each person's distinct need, there is a unique BCH service ready to help. A nonprofit, BCH provides a variety of services including caring homes for children, supportive homes for single mothers and their children, caring homes for special needs adults, quality weekday education for boys and girls, and loving support for the frail aging. Our congregation supports the Baptist Children's Homes through our donations but also through volunteerism and supply collections throughout the year. 

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Robin Cabasan - Pastor/Missionary at Open Door Baptist Church in the Philippines & Malawi

Robin and his family serve in the Philippines and are planting a church in Malawi. During the pandemic, Robin turned his immediate attention to his community in the Philippines and getting much-needed rice to the poor. With each bag of rice, Robin hands out a gospel tract and shares the gospel with each individual. Through his ministry, he has diverted personal funds to help those in need. In addition to food distribution, Robin's church group worked to raise money and construct a Sunday School/Education building. They are in the process of finishing the building now.  

While not physically in Malawi, he does remain in touch with the community there. The government in Malawi is not providing any financial or resource assistance to the people. Many of them rely on daily hunting, gathering, farming, and trading for their food every day. Robin collected funds to provide corn/maize and hygiene items for the people there. 


Raleigh Baptist Association

Part of our tithes and offering is dedicated to supporting the Raleigh Baptist Association. We not only support their programs and mission projects through our monthly contributions, but we partner with them on specific mission projects as needed. As a member organization, the association frequently calls on our church to help fill urgent needs throughout our community. Most recently, we collected furniture, household items, and clothing and supplies for children for the Afghan refugees the RBA was charged with resettling in the Triangle. Green Level, along with other member churches, is quick to mobilize and respond where we can to help our neighbors in need identified through our partnership with the RBA.