Archives for May 2020

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Pastor David Update


This Weekend & New Series First, weather permitting, we will continue with the same schedule we had last Sunday. I know Angela highlighted this in yesterday's "Green Level LIVE," but I made a video (below) walking through this schedule again. Second, we will start a new "Summer Series" next Sunday, May 31. This summer, we're going to look at the biblical doctrine of our ...

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This is My Story: Jason


Note from Pastor David: This week's "This is My Story" is a bit different. On Easter Sunday, Jason Houston sent the article below to his Sunday School Group, the Gaius Class. I thought it was really good and it reminded me of John Owen's famous admonition, "Be killing sin or it will be killing you." Jason gave me permission to share it here. My family moved into our h...

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This is My Story: Dane


This is taken from a talk Dane previously gave at a church in North Raleigh. He entitled it, "Our Magnanimous God." I am not a preacher but rather a pilot. I ask you toplease judge my efforts here in that light. This is myhumble attempt to relate to you some of the things Ihave learned and experienced through my life andcareer in aviation. Who is God and why do we se...

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This is My Story: Lori


Blessings in the "Tide" Ha Ha, see what I did there?! For those of you that know us, you know we are huge Alabama football fans! But that is just a small piece of what I want to share. The tide ebbs and flows just like the trials in our lives. When it is low tide, a ship may need to be repaired, loaded, or prepared. During high tide, that is when it is sent on its missi...

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