Women's Prayer Partners

Prayer Partner Slide

Prayer Partner Slide

Our Women's Ministry invites you to become a prayer partner. We want to stay connected and be purposeful in service through the pandemic. What better way to connect and make a differece than to unite in prayer? Prayer is personal and relational. Our Bibles repeatedly tell us of the importance of it. It is conversation with our Heavenly Father - the way to lay our cares, concerns, doubts, and desires at the feet of our God. We invite you to do this together. 

Beginning on Thursday, March 18th at 7pm, you and your prayer partner will call, video chat, or meet in person to pray. You can choose to pray together silently or out loud...just be in prayer. To sign up for the prayer partner initiative, fill out the form HERE. You can choose a partner or be paired with someone by our women's ministry team.

Full details were sent out via email this week from Pat Staley, our women's ministry coordinator. If you missed the email or need further information, contact Pat