Operation Christmas Child UPDATE
Thank you to all who helped with shoeboxes this year. Green Level Baptist Church contributed 481 shoe boxes in 2023. Overall Operation Christmas Child collected more than 11 million shoeboxes. These shoeboxes cross oceans, mountains, and deserts to reach more than 100 countries around the world.
As part of Operation Christmas Child, The Greatest Journey (another discipleship program), is taught to the recipients of the shoeboxes. Over the past 30 years, more than 50 million children have been reached through these discipleship lessons, including 25 million who have prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Each child also received a New Testament at the conclusion of the course. So far over 36 million New Testaments have been given out to the graduates.
Soon we will start a new year collecting items to fill our boxes. All of this starts with you and a simple shoebox.